5 Quotes & Sayings By Judy Croome

Judy Croome is a British author, who was born in South Africa and educated at the University of Natal. She has traveled widely around the world, and has written widely on places she has visited. Her first book, The Lost City of Z, is now in its third reprint. She is married to John Cleese, their daughter Camilla Cleese gives public lectures on childbirth and life, and they have two sons.

I started writing to make sense of the world that...
I started writing to make sense of the world that exists inside my heart Judy Croome
No, Zahra, dear, no! Gentleness isn’t weakness.’ Her hand, suspended in midair, trembled with emptiness and fell to her side. ‘How easy it is to be bitter or angry; that’s when you’re at your weakest! But when you choose to be kind, to forget your hurt, that’s when you find within the greatest strength of all.’ She smiled, oh, a smile of such ancient wisdom, her face shone with love. She waited, but when I wouldn’t smile back, she walked past me. Judy Croome
Even though he'd been born into a country unshackling itself from its colonial masters, even though he'd lived through nearly twenty years of freedom, nothing much changed for you when you were poor. Judy Croome
Writing is like bungee jumping for the soul...you take a deep breath, plunge into the abyss and hope the rope tethering you to the real world doesn't snap. Judy Croome